Ukie’s Sustainability Working Group
The trade association for the UK games and interactive entertainment industry, Ukie represents companies ranging from micro studios to multinationals, developers, publishers and service companies, working online, mobile, console, PC, […]
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Created in 2005, the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC) is a research centre within the Yale School of the Environment. It conducts scientific research on public knowledge, attitudes, […]
Microsoft Green design Principles
Implemented by Microsoft, the Green Design Principles are a set of fundamental social and environmental questions to consider when starting a new design project or reevaluating an existing one. Individuals […]
Carbone 4
Carbone 4 supports the transformation of organisations towards decarbonisation and adaptation to climate change. To go further
IGDA Climate SIG
IGDA Climate SIG is the Climate Special Interest Group of the International Game Developers Association. Its mission is to unlock climate action at the local level, provide climate recommendations to […]
Climate Chance
Climate chance strengthens the climate action of local authorities, companies and civil society and contributes to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. To go further
ANTICIPLAY – The effects of serious gaming on risk perceptions of climate tipping points – 2022
This study, published in 2022, is titled The Effects of Serious Gaming on Risk Perceptions of Climate Tipping Points. It discusses using new approaches, like serious games, to support science-policy […]
PlayCreateGreen was founded in 2019 by a group of leading Nordic game companies to assist video game companies in effecting real change by sharing knowledge essential to achieve climate neutrality. […]
Drawdown Project
Drawdown Project is a global network of scientists and researchers seeking to drastically reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, in a safe and equitable way, by putting forward science-based […]
ANTICIPLAY – Digital Games After Climate Change – 2022
Published in 2022 by Benjamin J. Abraham, a world-renowned Australian researcher specialised in the environmental impact of the digital gaming industry, this book presents the multiple links between video games […]
THE SHIFT PROJECT – Climate Crisis : the unsustainable use of online video. The practical case for digital sobriety – 2021
In this 2021 study, the Shift Project provides facts and figures to help us better understand how digital technology is developed and make the necessary trade-offs to achieve our societies’ […]
Joshua Aslan – Climate Change implications of gaming products and services – 2020
Published in February 2020 by Joshua Aslan of the University of Surrey, this thesis uses life cycle analysis methodology to compare how different console-based gaming methods (games played from a […]
A Climate Handbook for Game Companies by Game Companies
PlayCreateGreen is an open-source platform for the video game industry that hosts a professional community and provides examples of actions and best practices on climate and environmental issues. It was […]
Playing 4 the Planet
Playing 4 the Planet is an alliance facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) that helps the video games industry take steps to reduce its impact on the environment. […]
Sparknews promotes new narratives with and for compagnies, the media stakeholders and the cultural industry. Neither a consulting firm, nor a positive press agency, nor a media dedicated to sustainable […]
Climate Game Toolkit for Content Creators
Yes, game developers can help solve Climate change! But where to start? This 1-hour workshop is a 360 overview at the solutions you can deploy as a game developer at […]
IPCC – Climate Change 2022 : Mitigation
This IPCC report provides an updated global assessment of progress and commitments on climate change mitigation. A few key figures To go further
ISFE / EGDF – Video Games: A Force for Good – Key Facts 2021
Produced by Europe’s Video Games Industry and the European Games Developer Federation (EGDF), this report outlines the major events in Europe’s video game industry in 2021. A few key figures […]
PLAYING FOR THE PLANET – Green Game Jam Player Survey – 2022
Conducted in 2022 by the Playing for the Planet Alliance (P4P), using 11 games, helped by 9 studios, this study analyses the power of video games to engage players on […]
WWF – The Urgency of 1.5°C – 2018
The WWF is an international non-governmental organisation that works to preserve endangered wildlife areas and species. It enables governments, businesses and citizens to take action by providing access to quality […]
A Drawdown-Aligned Framework for the Gaming Industry
Developed by Project Drawdown, this tool presents a framework of solution-oriented topics the gaming industry can use to reduce emissions from its operations. Each topic includes a list of high-impact […]
IPPC – Ecological awakening : 10 key points
These infographics published in 2022 propose 10 key points, based on the most recent IPCC report, to better understand climate issues, adaptation, human, and planetary vulnerability to climate consequences and […]
World Economic Forum – A new circular vision for electronics – 2019
Published in 2019 on the Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE) hosted by the World Economic Forum, this report provides an overview of the current state of electronic waste. […]
Ecological Awakening
This collective proposes concrete tools to help students mobilise their schools and universities to better educate themselves on ecological issues and help young graduates choose an employer committed to the […]
YALE PROGRAM ON CLIMATE CHANGE COMMUNICATION – What Do Video Gamers Think About Global Warming? – 2022
Published in 2022 by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and Unity, this report examines the climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy preferences and behaviour of video game players in […]
IPCC – Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
This report assesses the impacts of climate change by looking at global and regional ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities, as well as the vulnerabilities and limits of the natural world […]
The Environmental Game Design Playbook
This guide is designed by game developers for game developers, in partnership with researchers, climate activists and game enthusiasts. Its goal is to help developers design games based on a […]
Greening the Game Industry
Greening the Game Industry is an independent publication launched in May 2022 by Ben Abraham, a sustainability researcher and advocate for swift and effective decarbonization of the digital games industry. […]
CARBONE 4 – Doing Your Fair Share for the Climate?
This publication studies the power and responsibility of individuals, businesses, and the government in the fight against climate change. A few key figures To go further
Green Game Jam
The Green Game Jam is an annual event organised by the Playing 4 the Planet Alliance, during which game studios are challenged to implement “green activations” in their games. The […]
The Gamesplanet Eco Tags
This method, designed and used by Gamesplanet to categorise the video games it distributes, aims to identify games that can positively influence players on environmental issues. There are 4 different […]
PLAYING FOR THE PLANET – Annual Impact Report – 2022
Published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2022, this report analyses the progress made by members of the Playing for the Planet Alliance (P4P). A few key figures […]
The Shift Project
The Shift Project is a French association and think tank that aims to help mitigate climate change and reduce the economy’s dependence on fossil fuels, particularly oil. It has proposed […]
The Gamesplanet Eco Gaming Score
The Gamesplanet Eco Gaming Score is a display method registered with The French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME). It provides players with a score measuring the environmental impact of each […]
Climate Games: The Developers’ Field Guide
Presented at GDC 2023, the Developer’s Field Guide for Climate Games provides a proven step-by-step method to structure the developers’ creative journey and make sure they maximize the impact potential […]
IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The IPCC is the United Nations body responsible for assessing the science of climate change. It is composed of scientists elected by the plenary assembly to represent the different disciplines […]