Xbox Sustainability Toolkit
Through an open-source platform designed by and for video game creators, Xbox helps professionals understand and reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption of the games they develop while minimising […]
The Transformational Framework
This tool serves as a guide to help different industry teams create transformative video games. Rather than focusing on how to design a good game, this tool aims to provide […]
Test for Diversity and Inclusion in Gaming
Designed by Hager Jemel-Fornetty, Director of the Diversity & Inclusion Board at EDHEC Business School in Lille, this test measures the representation of women and men in video games. It […]
Greening the Game Industry
Greening the Game Industry is an independent publication launched in May 2022 by Ben Abraham, a sustainability researcher and advocate for swift and effective decarbonization of the digital games industry. […]
Climate Games: The Developers’ Field Guide
Presented at GDC 2023, the Developer’s Field Guide for Climate Games provides a proven step-by-step method to structure the developers’ creative journey and make sure they maximize the impact potential […]
Code My Crown : A guide to the creation and celebration of Black hair in video games
Supported by Dove, this guide is a tool that contains best practices, thoughts and detailed references so that everyone can create characters in the digital world and specifically in video […]
The Gamesplanet Eco Tags
This method, designed and used by Gamesplanet to categorise the video games it distributes, aims to identify games that can positively influence players on environmental issues. There are 4 different […]
The Environmental Game Design Playbook
This guide is designed by game developers for game developers, in partnership with researchers, climate activists and game enthusiasts. Its goal is to help developers design games based on a […]
Climate Game Toolkit for Content Creators
Yes, game developers can help solve Climate change! But where to start? This 1-hour workshop is a 360 overview at the solutions you can deploy as a game developer at […]
Microsoft Inclusive Design
Implemented by Microsoft, Inclusive Design is a methodology that aims to make human diversity visible. Its goal is to create more inclusive products and services and learn from these new […]
Fair Play: Guide to Digital Accessibility in Gaming
Produced in 2023 by Level Access, this guide is a road map that explains how to create high-quality video games that are accessible to all and describes the added value […]
WIG – Building a fair playing field
Published by Women in Games France, this guide is intended for video game, esports and connected industries of all sizes and levels who want to commit to and advance gender […]
The Gamesplanet Eco Gaming Score
The Gamesplanet Eco Gaming Score is a display method registered with The French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME). It provides players with a score measuring the environmental impact of each […]
A practical guide to game accessibility
This guide, produced by the US-based AbleGamers Foundation, presents the main accessibility options that can be included in a video game and their impact on end-users. It includes guidelines for […]
A Drawdown-Aligned Framework for the Gaming Industry
Developed by Project Drawdown, this tool presents a framework of solution-oriented topics the gaming industry can use to reduce emissions from its operations. Each topic includes a list of high-impact […]
Microsoft Green design Principles
Implemented by Microsoft, the Green Design Principles are a set of fundamental social and environmental questions to consider when starting a new design project or reevaluating an existing one. Individuals […]
Green Games Guide
This guide was created by Ukie, Games London and Playing for the Planet in early 2021 to help video game companies improve their eco-friendly approach. It’s the first UK resource […]